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Dr. Zouhair Lahna has extended his humanitarian efforts to conflict zones worldwide, offering aid in war-torn regions. In Morocco, he has spearheaded several initiatives aimed at helping those in dire need, including refugees escaping the devastation of war in their home countries.

In 1992, Dr. Zouhair Lahna received a Diploma in General Medicine from the University Hassan II in Casablanca before moving to France, where he studied Gynecology and Obstetrics and received a Diploma in Surgery in 1998. His dedication to humanitarian efforts began in 1999, with his inaugural mission in the Comoros. This was the start of a journey that would lead him to provide aid to people in need in several countries, including Afghanistan, Congo, Ethiopia, Libya, and Morocco, his homeland.

In 2014–2015, Dr. Zouhair Lahna dedicated his efforts to training women of various ages from different parts of Syria in emergency obstetric techniques at a hospital near the Turkish border. More recently, he has been passionately engaged in a project close to his heart in his native Morocco: investing in a midwifery training initiative and combating maternal mortality in public hospitals.