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Triveni Acharya is a former Indian Investigative journalist and activist living in Mumbai, best known for her work with the anti-sex-trafficking group Rescue Foundation. Rescue Foundation was founded in 2000 by the late Balkrishna Acharya and his wife Triveni Acharya devoted to the “rescue, rehabilitation and repatriation of victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution from different parts of India, Nepal and Bangladesh”.

In 2005, Balkrishna Acharya tragically passed away in a car accident when returning from a rescue operation, and Ms. Acharya took over the reins of the organization. Since then, Rescue Foundation has rescued over 5000 girls and rehabilitated many more through integrated safe housing programs for both minor and major survivors.

Triveni Acharya and Rescue Foundation have received numerous awards including Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award (2010), Civil Courage Prize (2011), World of Children Humanitarian Award (2013, 2015), 100 Women Achiever’s Award (President of India, 2016).